heyy and assalamualaikum peeps. . it's been a while since I've been posted the old ones. hmm, I had entered matriculation so it kinda busy everyday with assignment and study group. MISS THIS BLOGGG >.< so entering new phase of life has gave me a chance to gain more experience in life. meeting new people with different faces and personalities. some can be accepted by me, some I should be more patient with them (or maybe NOT). what to do,right? they are human beings, so when I started to stay away from you thats mean I try not to be closed with you because I do not want to make the situation more worst. 

then, I try to learn to change my little boyish personalities inside me. this is BECAUSE I grew up and turn into a young lady (uuuuuuuuuuu dura,hahaha). by the way, I want a boyfriend. I been lucky if I get one that can accept my little roughness. hey, nobody perfect. it's what my best buddy told me. so, he should accept me for who I am but no matter what I also should change myself. be more LADY DURA! by the way, I got my eyes on someone. he just perfect with good attitude and good in study. but, I try to be closed with him first. step by step is the safe way to start. mom has given green light about this. so, WISH ME LUCK;)

getting to know new commities from my peers has gain me a lot of connections. usually I not really friendly with people around me. I know as a very arrogant person because the way I look at them. but what I realise now that I have more friends from different gender with me which is boyss. . ahahahahaha:D it's W.E.I.R.D. okayh, lets forget about it. they only friends nothing more or less than that (is it???) in matriculation I got modul II which is teh same as science physical at other universities or a quite equal with engineering but we don't study about engineering yet. so in teh lecture hall it WILL be full with boys. it's like 80% of the students in lecture is BOYS! what thee. . ehehe,cuci mata le perempuan:) that's include me la. OMG! ahaha,lumrah hidup kan?? but it fun to learn with them because they are useful when it came about doing assignment. they know more than us.

learning at matriculation need an extra focus EVERYDAY! you had to catch up everything that you left behind. if not you lose out. it fast process of learning. as the result, I have to set my brain to accept eveything at the same time. I don't want to repeat the same mistake at the past. it had left a DEEP mark in my life. the first exam has past, so wish me luck to get GOOD RESULT:)


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