after awhile, I didn't post anything new in this blog of mine. keroooo~ haha, I'm kinda busy feeling nervous about my result that would come out just around the corner. OMG! huhhh, cool down and get a good grief DURA! 

recently, my emotion kinda not in a stable mood. you know la, girls:D so, while watching a video of a campaign made by INFINITE , L my bias, is an actor in that video. seeing him tearing up in that video campaign, my heart broken and all my tears rolls down on my cheeks. it was 1.30 a.m! and I was crying like hell in my room. and I supposed to close the video and just go to sleep to forget about this thing. BUT! I keep hittin' repeat, peat, peat . . . . haha:) about 3 to 4 times I watched that video on the same day.

this is the video!

and as you know (for those who has read my previou post about my crush), I try to confess my true feeling to him. in the end, I didn't know whether he understand what I try to tell him. I supposed call him to tell about this 'important' thing but due to low income I just can give him 3-page of message:D WHATEVER! after confess averything to him, I'm feel more relief. I don't know why. it supposed to be nerve-recking because I didn't know what answer would he give me, right?

the next day, he reply my message. and all sudden, I feel nervous. at first, I hesitate to see the text. bt, with THE POWER OF MY BRAVERY I open the message. I think he didn't get what I try to tell him. what the. . . so in the end, we both just keep our 'FRIENDSHIP'. nothing happened so far between me and him. hahaha:D what a funny moment. it's all happened because I followed my heart without asking my brain first:P 

my advice, calling is better than texting. so, all your ideas that you try to tell can be understood by other people:D


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