wahh,dah start bawak kereta dah! FULL OF EXCITEMENT AND NERVOUS. haha, kali pertama bawak mesti la nervous kan? dah la sebelum ni tak penah bawak kereta except main game kat arcade (itu pon sume pehalangan dilanggar). keroooooooo. . jadi, latihan bermula pada pukul 12.20 tengah hari. selepas dah tau sume paddle kat dalam kereta, teman bawok la kereta Viva kat atas litar. 

tersengguk-sengguk kereta tu teman bawok. sori ye mak cik:) saya tak biasa bawak kete. tu la gunanye belajarkan? hahaha:D dah okayh kat atas litar, saat-saat yang ditunggu telah BERMULA! 'jom kita naik atas bukit ye' YES! saat yang ditunggu telah tiba. ramai kawan cakap naik and turun bukit cam naik ROLLERCOASTER. ekk?? memnag pon! cume tak lepas tangan je waktu turun bukit. kalau tak hmm. . 'mak cik sorry sebab kereta remuk. saya terlebih excited tadi' . lepas dah pusing-pusing atas litar, mak cik suruh pegi atas JALAN RAYA *gulp! MAK CIK SAYA TAK BERSEDIA LAGIII!!! ya allah, panjangkanlah umur hamba Mu ini. 

setiba di traffic light pertama, dengan lembut mak cik menegur, 'berhenti kereta tuh biar nampak tayar and jalan raya kat depan. ni dah rapat sangat nie:)' hehe,atenye mak cik saya tak biasa, ajarlah saya dengan penuh kesabarannye. lampu dah hijau. MASA UNTUK JALAN. clush and minyak dihujung kakiku. tapi disebabkan hari pertama, mana la kaki teman nak biasa, dah la teman nie penuh dengan kekurangan=.=" dengan sikap tidak sabar dan KURANG KURANG SOPAN orang dibelakang telah membunyikan hopn. dalam hati nie dah mencarut-carut dah. sabo je lah ye, dura. muke mak cik tu cam benggang je. so, tanpa mempedulikan orang dieblakang yang macam &*%#, kereta jalan slow-slow and lampu traffic light jadi ! padan muke kome,sape suruh wat aku gabra. kalau tak hon-hon kat aku dah lama kite lepas! MUAHAHAHA:D 

jalan terkedek-kedek kat atas jalan raya yang sibuk. peduli ape aku, aku tangah belajar kereta. aku bukannye expert. sampai kat traffic light ketiga, enjin kereta MATI! malu teman. tak nak tengok mana, tengok depan je. haha, akhirnye sampai kat tempat belajar kereta tuh. fuh selamat akhirnye:) tapi memang tuttt betul sape yang hon-hon tuh. ala macam la waktu ko belajar kereta mule-mule tu tak macam tuh. huh! MAKA LATIHAN PADA HARI INI TAMMAT! yeyyyy~



I am currently watching SESAME PLAYER season 2 that including INFINITE as their 'players'. people might think that their live in this programme are un-TRUE (probably they are not a K-POP fan).  the first episode of this show, has shown the true skin of each member in the INFINITE. the spirit of HYPERNESS and NAUGHTINESS shine each of them *haha. but in this group there is one member that merely has any reaction. in other words, he is carefree to all things. the only thing that he would is SMILE! his name is KIM MYUNG SOO a.k.a L (his stage name). eventhough he has O blood type (which supposed to be quite energatic), he is a quiet person. only sometimes, the naughtiness appeared from his innocent look.


Name: 엘 / L
Real name: 김명수 / Kim Myeong Su / Kim Myung Soo
Japanese name: キム・ミョンス / Kim Myonsu
Profession: Singer and actor
Birthdate: 1992 Mac 13
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Height: 178 cm
Star sign: Pisces
Blood type: O
Family: Parents and younger brother
Talent agency: Woollim Entertainment

from their debut video, COME BACK TO ME, my eyes are glued at L. his cold eyes has frozen my heart until now *OMO! after that, INFINITE has release many mini album from 2010 until 2012, they keep releasing an AMAZING and HEART MELTING songs. their songs are usually a dance-song that make you want move along with the rhythm. not only involving with music industries, they also has join hosting industries for some reality shows. for L he was a head in front from his other member in the group to debut at JAPAN. this is because he was offered to play a role in a japan drama called JIU POLICE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. his character in this drama is a criminal (he was wearing a wig in this drama.yucks!). at 2012 which is this year he was again play a role in a japan drama 'again' called SHUT UP FLOWER BOY BAND. he is a guitarist in this drama *wahhhh. 

anyway, the reason why I love him is the way his smile and his cold eyes. its soooo heart-melting (for me,of course).  he has that smiled-eyed when he smiling at the camera. I wish one day, I will be going to their concert! I WILL! people might think that it is useless if you really like an idol that would recognise you as his fan only. but, at least it doesn't hurt you because you know he even barely knew you too than love someone that close to you:)

this is some picture of L :
that glare penetrate my heart:)


even when he was sleeping,OMG!


good friends are . .
lepas habis SPM nie macam-macam dah kita plan untuk mengisi masa yang terluang. ade yang ambik lesen kereta atau motor, ade yang pergi kerja dan ade yang dah start belajar (pergi kolej swasta) apa-apa pon, adakalanya kita akan terasa rindu dengan kawan yang lama menyepi akibat kesibukan masa. dengan itu, RENUNION pon berlaku (walaupon baru 1bulan tak jumpe) masa dan tempat semua telah ditetapkan bagi mengelakkan kekeliruan. apabila semunya okay, satu masalh muncul!

'nape tak datang weh? jom la jumpe.dah lama tak jumpe ko'
ayat tersebut akan selalu terkeluar apabila mengajak kawan untuk sertai 'renunion' tersebut.

'kenapa la susah sangat nak jumpe???!! kalau orang tak ajak, dah merajuk. kalau dah ajak, tak nak pergi pulak. susah betol.' itu yang sering terselit di hati . . 

tapi, kadangkala kita sebagai kawan kena la faham dengan situasi dia. bukan saja-saja je dia tak nak ikut. mungkin sebab mak bapak dia tak kasi pergi sebab mereka sibuk, mungkin sebab ada tetamu lain kat dalam  rumah mereka atau mereka tiada di rumah. bagaimanapun, mereka pon patut bertimbang rasa. bukan senang untuk keluar pergi 'merendek' dengan kekawan. kena mintak izin mak ayah dulu, set masa dan tempat. banyak kerja. tapi demi nak jumpe kawan,semua sanggup buat,kan?

friend also is an important person in our life. do you know why? this is because they are the shoulder to cry on (besides our parents la but some didn't like to share 'some' their problems with them) it is hard to find a true friends nowadays, do you know? some of them are the type that will stab your back. it really hurt actually because when you had trust that person and once he/she has hurt you, it will leave a scar in your heart. choosing friends doesn't count about looks or their asets, its all about pure intention to be friend with you! but be careful, sometimes your own besties can even hurt you deeply.

for me, my friends are very useful. whenever I need them, they will also be there:)  they are my handkerchief. they will always in my pocket whnever I need them. a lot of my problem will be share with my friends to ask about their opinion. I don't care even the truth is painful. because TRUTH IS PAINFUL IN MANY WAY. you just have to face it strongly. that is what friends for. they care about our feeling by telling us the truth which maybe can hurt us without hiding it. accept it with your pride. so, be thankful to your friends that always be with you no matter what. they has seen you crying and smiling. they worth the appreciation! 

내 친구, 감사합니다 !

through thick and thin,they will be next to us

MISS YOU and THANK YOU for be my friends!


wahhh,dah lama dah aku rasa aku tak post ape-ape yang baru (sibuk main THE SIMS). anyway, its good to be update a new fresh post on this 2012! *YIPEE. . first of all,I would like personally to wish all of you A HAPPY NEW YEAR (I know its already the second week of JANUARY OF 2012) . so, in this brand new year I would like to have a new different looks for myself and my personal life! *ehehe. . people might saying that I was hard to be approached ,but actually I am a HAPPY-GO-HYPER person. I not that type that would ask around if there is a new person in the enviroment. I just can't. its like the words to be used to talk to a new person can not be stack together. BUT, after awhile I will slowly make a progress to become a friend with them! >.< hey, nobody is PERFECT, right? 

in this 2012, I had become an official school-leaver. but, sometimes I do missed the old days where I pack my books into the bags, copied answers from my friends, gossiping with my friends, get scolded with teachers because I like to talk in class:D (hey,what to do? I like to talk,maa. .) but time can not be rewind. seeing my brother struggling with his tan of homeworks make me feel pity to him. sometimes I helped him to get the works done (why I don't have anyone to help me doing my homework?!) this year is his MEDIUM-WAR YEAR because he would sit for PMR (GUD LUCK MUIZ) due to his 'contratct' with my mother, if he succesfully gets the straight A's he would have a DSLR *FANCY:) hence, he start to study hard to achieve it.

as for me,I like to change a little bit of my personality. actually, I am a rough girl between my friends. whether boys or girls, I treated them in the same way. I usually hit people when I'm laughing *sorry! but when I start to talk with boys, the cool and peace conversation can be a MOUTH-WAR! I think that I treat them extra rough:D I do not know why I had that type of reaction whenever I with the boys. in the end, I determined to be 50% feminine and other half my ORIGINAL PERSONALITY (don't ask me why!) besides, I want people not to see me as a tough rough girl but a normal girl:) *hehe plus iI want a boyfriend too!

hi, kite durrah:)
*sorry cermin tuh kotor sikit
