P I E C E S.

heart; an organ that usually involved in emotional stuff. HEY! can you just do your regular job; pump bloods to all parts of the body. haishh. . sorry, I'm to emotional lately. I LOVE YOU,HEART! don't stop pumping my blood, okay? haha. 

pass by in front of that, my eyes will wildly searching the shadow of you. seeing you smiling over there makes my heart calm and melt. the shining white teeth of you can be seen clearly from where I were. I really wish to see those heart-melting smile everyday. but that only a childish dream of mine. you can't be mine. the status 'FRIENDS' are only my cover-line to be close with you. I don't mind about that as long as I can still be with you. it just sometimes I think that you treat me so nicely as if I were really special to you. then, I were really confused. do you really like me? or do you always treat your friends like that?

but until recently, the distance between you and me has decrease. did I a little annoying? busy with your job; I can understand that. but, please don't stay away from me. everyday I'll be waiting for your messages and calls. please don't be like this. it shattered my heart.

and after awhile, I had learned from this story. don't put your hopes too high up even you know that he is the one. because, you wouldn't know what really his true feelings about you. just be cool and never be TOO over-whelming just because he treated you EXTRA special. okay, NITE!

extra ; 

collecting on the floor. already glued that pieces of heart that had broken once. letting it dry to stay strong whenever there is another impact on it. but please, don't leave crack on it because even a crack can even mash it up. I don't want to hurt my hands to pick up that pointed smashed glass of heart no more.



warna hitam mula mewarnai langit di atas 
mata semakin berat, badan terasa letih akibat aktiviti harian ingin berehat
di atas tilam yang empok
badan berpusing-pusing untuk berasa selesa
walaupun diri terasa penat; mata tidak dapat ditutp dengan rapi
hati ini; yang kecil lagi rapuh
terasa gelisah dan sedih 
teringatkan si dia yang tidak tahu akan perasaan aku terhadapnya
setiap malam aku berfikir
cara memberitahu si dia
aku sudah tidak sanggup lagi untuk menanggungya
terasa sakit
tetapi tiada perkataan yang sesuai untuk disusun
tiada bahasa yang mampu meluahkan perasaan ini
hanya masa yang mampu beritahu isi hatiku kepadamu.

p/s:jiwang pula malam-malam buta ni:)ini hanya luahan perasaan saja ye.



assalamualaikum! tak jawab dosa. pape pon SELAMAT MENYAMBUT MAULIDUR RASUL. di pagi Ahad, kami sekeluarga pon tengok la tv ade ceramah ke or cerita yang best-best. and we saw this talk in TV1. pergh kelakar and isi ceramah die memang mendalam. dengan cara penyampaian ucapan ustaz tersebut, penonton tidak akan sama sekali berasa mengantuk bila mendengar ceramah tu. malangnya, waktu yang diberi tidak mampu menyumbat segala inti pati ucapan tersebut. hmmm~

then, we one family when to 'this supermarket' to buy some gorceries and do some window shopping too. I LIKE*wink. after awhile, we went to the paid for the stuff. on each of the workers' shirts there was a badge said 'SERVE WITH A SMILE'. but, even her eyes can tell that 'erghh,banyak pulak orang hari ni'. mak oii,kalau malas nak kerja berhenti je lagi senang,kan? pelanggan pon tak sakit hati tengok muke kau tuh. not only the cashier, even the runner (person that would go check the prices if there is no bar code) has that 'EEE,MENYEMAK JE' face. memang lepas ni, aku pergi kedai runcit je nak beli barang dapur. huh!

senyuman tu takde pon kene bayar.kalau korang-korang yang buat muke camtu,cermin dulu muka tu. kalau tak bape nak lawa, jangan la nak buat muke 'aku lebih hot dari kau'. wei, hot lagi neraka kayh (ayat famous adek aku). and tolong la anda-anda yang diluar tu, lagi-lagi berjantina P, tolong jangan jeling aku. baju aku ada yang koyak ke? muke aku nie teruk sangat ke? aku tau la aku COMEL (mintak ampun kalau terlalu poyo) sampai makcik-makcik yang aku jumpe ingat aku ni FORM3 lagi =.="" SAYA DAH HABIH SEKOLAHHHH!!! perlu ke aku wat satu mini banner and gantung kat badan untuk bagi tau pasal ni. haha, emo kejap pasal benda kecil tuh.

so, tu je aku nak share.  KBYE:D
